Pam Chapman celebrates 15 years at aae technologies

Back in 2008, Coldplay and Madonna topped the charts, we looked forward to the summer Olympics in Beijing and Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th president of the United States. It was also the year that brought Pam Chapman to aae. Fast forward 15 years, and Pam is celebrating this substantial milestone in her career. Group Office Administrator Pam is one of the longest-standing members at aae and a hugely valued member of the team. We caught up with Pam at the start of a very busy morning at aae HQ!
Congratulations on your 15 year work anniversary, Pam!
Thank you! It’s been a very busy decade-and-a half! My main job is to support the flow of enquiries into the business while also looking after our customers and employees. As you can imagine, our phone is always ringing, and there are lots of orders on the logistics side to process. There are three of us in the team, and we work together to provide a professional service. Overall, I’ve really enjoyed every part of the role, whether that’s speaking to people, helping to provide the right information, and making sure that the logistics side all runs smoothly.
How has your job evolved over the years at aae?
A really important part of the role is handling the orders and the deliveries to our customers, many of whom are scattered around the world. Since Brexit, the rules about what you can and can’t send overseas have become pretty complicated. So, when aae arranged for me to undertake additional training in all the rules and regulations, I was pleased – even though it was a lot of hard work! In 2020, I gained the British Chambers of Commerce Foundation Award in International Trade, which covers everything from import procedures and exporting to documentation, payments and customs procedures. It’s so important to get these things right, and the training gave me extra confidence in this area.
What do you enjoy most about your role at aae technologies?
The variety. Everyone says it, but really, no two days are the same – you never know who is going to get in touch, whether that’s someone who has been to a recent event, a supplier, or one of our international customers. It certainly keeps life interesting.
What are you looking forward to as your role progresses?
It’s exciting to see the company grow, and to be a part of it. We have a really great mix of people here. On one hand, we have a really solid base of experts, all with highly specialist skills and decades of experience. Some of the team have been here longer than me! On the other hand, we’re growing all the time, which means that we have both new and young faces coming through the door. It certainly keeps things interesting and I’m proud to be part of this brilliant team.
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