Acoustic release beacons
Acoustic release beacons are used to recover or lower equipment deployed under the sea, either in shallow or continental shelf waters.
Read More- Positive drive-off mechanisms ensure reliable mechanical release in high bio-fouling environments
- Reliable FSK acoustic command protocol for communications security in high noise/ reverberant environments
- Safe working load (SWL) includes 4x factor of safety
- Field-adjustable internal frequency and release identities
- Command and configured by 3510 PAM Portable and Easytrak Pyxis, Nexus 2 and Nexus 2 Lite
- Also operates as standard acoustic positioning beacon with Easytrak USBL range and other industry standard systems
- Long-term environmental and met-ocean observations
- Equipment recovery
- Seabed markers and instrument deployment
- Deploy or place objects onto the sea floor
- USBL calibration
Compatibility as standard
Acoustic releases can be used as recoverable reference markers for positioning systems such as Easytrak and other USBL systems. They also allow the recovery of subsea instruments such as current meters, and can send back information such as tilt status and battery condition. With low power consumption, acoustic release beacons are typically designed for long-life operations.
As with other beacons from applied acoustics, the acoustic release beacon can receive and transmit signals to a surface instrument. When the equipment is ready to be retrieved, the surface transmitter will send acoustic signals through the water to locate it and a specific command to release, and it will let go of the anchor. The anchor weight remains on the seabed while the equipment and release transponder float to the surface.

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