Batoil Nigeria Selects Easytrak

Batoil Services Nigeria Limited based in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, has recently purchased an Applied Acoustics’ USBL tracking system to add to its equipment pool. Amongst its other company functions such as corrosion control and inspection services, Batoil is a leading supplier of equipment and services used during pipeline route, engineering and hydrographic surveys for the Nigerian oil industry.
Bamidele Olagunju, Managing Director at Batoil Services Nigeria Limited selected the Applied Acoustics’ Easytrtak Lite USBL positioning system for a particular contract the company secured with Kaztec Engineering Ltd. This was to provide accurate underwater positions of a variety of pipeline crossings in the Addax OML 123 Field, so that large concrete mattresses could be placed over for protection.
The Easytrak USBL underwater positioning and tracking system is centred on a multi-element, single transducer that transmits and receives acoustic signals to dynamic subsea targets from which range, bearing and depth information can be determined. For the Kaztec Engineering project the underwater target to be tracked was the company’s sub-bottom profiler used to locate pipelines on, or often under, the seabed. By attaching an Applied Acoustics 1019 Mini Beacon to the towed unit and interfacing the system with GPS and gyro compass, the precise position of the pipelines could be established with a high degree of accuracy, sub one metre. Armed with this information, the large concrete mattresses could be placed in the correct positions, as confirmed by divers during installation, adding to overall operational efficiency.
“We aim to source equipment that can provide innovative solutions for our clients’ many challenges,” said Mr Olagunju, “and we found the Easytrak Lite system very user friendly and easy to set-up, so it fitted the bill perfectly. We’re delighted that our clients were satisfied with the accuracy of the positioning results obtained.”