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Nexus 2 available for rent in USA

7th December, 2016 | 1 minute read
By Gavin Willoughby, Business Development Manager

With a long career in technical sales, marketing and management, Gavin joined applied acoustics as sales manager in 2004. Committed to delivering the best possible customer service, he has overseen the company’s international growth alongside Adam, culminating in two Queen’s Awards for exporting achievement.

Launched at Oceanology in London earlier this year the Applied Acoustics’ new NEXUS 2 USBL positioning system is now available for rent in USA, via the company’s American representatives Subsea Technologies Inc based in Katy, Texas.

Nexus 2 is the latest and most sophisticated system in the range of subsea USBL systems that are designed and manufactured by the Great Yarmouth, UK, based company.  Incorporating advanced bi-directional spread spectrum acoustic protocols NEXUS 2 achieves greater, reliable accuracy over an extended operational range. Embedded as standard within each Nexus 2 system are a comprehensive range of additional software features and survey tools such as geo-referenced graphical overlay function and EasyCal 2 calibration tool.

As with all systems designed by Applied Acoustics, the highly advanced positioning and tracking system is quick to deploy with easy set up procedures and can be used with a variety of Applied Acoustics’ positioning beacons,  legacy products and transponders from third party manufacturers.

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