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Client relationship
  • aae customer since 2020
OCEAN DEEP is a company dedicated to ocean engineering, consistently developing innovative technological solutions in both the oceanic environment and maritime infrastructure.

OCEAN DEEP carry out applied studies in the fields of hydrography, oceanography, marine geophysics and marine environmental numerical modeling.

On a mission to deliver ever-greater accuracy

OCEAN DEEP knew aae were experts in technology associated with underwater positioning systems (USBL) in conjunction with ROV equipment and approached us for technological help in upgrading their delivery. Positioning accuracy is essential for the company’s work in identifying shipwrecks, debris, pipelines and underwater hazards.

aae assisted with the successful integration of several USBL systems into OCEAN DEEP’s Falcon DR-1000 ROVs, which are now performing high-depth marine infrastructure inspection work for a range of industries. 

However, the benefits of these systems extend beyond their ROV-related work to sonar technologies. In addition to the above, OCEAN DEEP also integrated an Easytrak Nexus 2 system with their Klein Marine 5000 v2 sidescan sonar to deliver improved accuracy in all their seabed surveys.

These USBL systems have significantly improved OCEAN DEEP’s subsea operations, making it possible for them to deliver a better experience for their clients and achieve a higher level of satisfaction with all their undersea inspection work. 

Ocean Scan

Game-changing results

The arrival of Easytrak Nexus 2 systems marked a watershed moment in all of OCEAN DEEP’s subsea operations. Since then, inspection times have been greatly reduced, while the accuracy of the information delivered to their clients has improved. 

By implementing upgrades to their GNSS systems and working with the ATLAS (Hemisphere) satellite correction signal, they can now detect targets with a much higher level of precision. Thanks to this, their USBL system is operating at maximum capacity.

These systems also enable them to check the accuracy of their inspection work on submarine outfalls and pipelines. After survey work using MBES and SSS technologies, they performed ROV inspections with the Easytrak system, using basemap tools and loading CAD/GIS files to follow the route of underwater works, with impressive results. The improved capacity of their equipment gives clients complete confidence that the positioning in all their work is highly precise.

In general, the aquaculture sector is moving towards incorporating more technology to face new environmental challenges and create a more sustainable industry. By saving time and providing more accurate information, improved technology and methodologies for underwater inspection work have a big part to play. OCEAN DEEP have put their faith in technological innovation, and through their experience seek to make a lasting contribution to the industry.

Need a long-term partner or support with an ongoing project?

    Release Beacons
    Positioning Beacons
    Easytrak USBL Systems
    Sub-Bottom Profiling